Monday, May 18, 2009

Joy = Ava

Ava stopped by the pool at 120 with her parents on Sunday. That girl is so full of joy that it pours out of her little body. She convinced my mom to get in the pool with her so she could get her legs wet. I couldn't believe it! That water couldn't have been more than 65 degrees!

I love this little girl very much and I hope that no matter how old she gets that she still calls me her aunt Sass!

Terry Rox!

For Mother's Day, Megh and I got her a Sid Dicken's tile that said "Queen" on it - how totally appropriate right?
What makes my mom great is the funny things she has done throughout my life - well that and all the love and support too. Like her making me shake her hand after ever game of crazy eights even when she wouldn't let me win. Rolling my hair in pink rollers (dragging that rat tail comb so hard down my very thin head of hair that I thought she was trying to part my brain too). Crying everytime I left for Mizzou when I came home for the weekend (not knowing that that only made me cry most of the way down I-70) knowing that I was coming home in two weeks like clock-work.
Anyway, she is a hoot and I love her and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Momma got a new lens

So when I got this fancy pants camera, I also picked out a long range lens that I wanted (well JG at Best Buy told me that I needed it and I love him so I believed him). So I was going to ask for it for my birthday, well it went on sale a couple of weeks ago, so I bought it for myself as a let's-get-happy-it-is-May present. These are the first pics I took with it, and they prove that it was worth the money! And it shows that I have not killed my flowers . . . yet.

Soooo cute!

Sorry everyone, but I do have the cutest dog in the world. He was so exhausted from barking at everything that passed by my house the other day that he crashed right in the middle of our bed. He was mad at me when I disrupted him with the flash!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wiener Dogs love Wienie Roasts!

We had a Wienie Roast at 120 on Saturday night. It was Erica's request - and since she is less than a month away from giving birth - we are all doing whatever she wants!
A.J. makes a perfect pillow for my dad to lounge by the fire!
My sister is beautiful! Her laughter is literally contagious!

Dash was sitting by Jeremy on the picnic table staring down a plate full of cheese cubes. I though it was funny how he just laid his head down on the table! We let Dash run free all night. He had to have a bath when he got home - he was filthy! He left a dark black ring around the bathtub. After his bath he curled up in the middle of our bed (in his usual spot really), soaking wet and didn't wake up once until morning - he totally crashed out!

My dad can cook a mean hot dog.

Matty Licious!

My cousin's little girl - Matty - came out for the wienie roast at my parents' house on Saturday - so we had to have a little photo shoot. This first picture shows just how cute and sweet she is! Love those tiny little teeth and the cherub cheekies! The crazy, thin blonde hair looks just like mine did about 25 years ago!

She wanted to pose on the bridge across the creek, so we made the trip out there, but I didn't get a single shot of her with her eyes open, so this is the best we could get.

Spring is here at 212!!!

So Jeremy and I finally settled the great mulch debate - and we went with the color that I wanted - black. He says it looks like dirt, but I like it. He wanted to stick with the red, but I wanted something different. I prevailed again! I did get flowers again for the front of the house, but I kill every plant that I bring home. Thank goodness Lowe's takes them back if they die within a year and I have made sure that receipt is in a safe place!

I love this Mizzou pot - very old school with the Tiger Paw! You can't buy stuff with this logo it anymore!

Didn't JD do such a good job getting the grass so green! I think the dark green grass, the white columns, red brick and black mulch tie together perfect! He should trust me more with my taste!